Wednesday, September 14, 2011


Manhattan is a cocktail made with whiskey, sweet vermouth, and bitters. Commonly used whiskeys include  Canadian whisky, bourbon, blended whiskey and Tennessee whiskey. The cocktail is often stirred with ice and strained into a cocktail glass, where it is garnished with a Maraschino cherry with a stem.


3/4 oz sweet vermouth
2 1/2 oz bourbon whiskey
1 dash Angostura® bitters
maraschino cherry
1 twist orange

  • Combine the vermouth, bourbon whiskey, and bitters with 2 - 3 ice cubes in a mixing glass. 
  • Stir gently, don't bruise the spirits and cloud the drink. 
  • Place the cherry in a chilled cocktail glass and strain the whiskey mixture over the cherry. 
  • Rub the cut edge of the orange peel over the rim of the glass and twist it over the drink to release the oils but don't drop it in. 

VARIATION: No bitters. Substitute a twist of lime for the cherry and orange. 
                         Hold the lime twist in a lighted match over the drink and then drop it in. 
                         The heat really zips up the lime flavor.

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