Saturday, October 27, 2012


Heya friends!!!! Today on the occasion of Eid i am sharing u one of my DRINK which is very healthy and very tasty... its easy as anything..

Just take a look on this easy to make drink.

INGREDIENTS (5 glasses)

Celery leaves            a bunch
Lemon                       2 no.
Sugar                        to taste
Water                         500 ml
cardamom                  2-3 no.

  • Firstly we have to take a chilled highball or Roly poly glass..
  • Put the ice cubes in it.
  • Then take the celery leaves, lime juice, sugar, water and cardamom and blend then till all get mix nicely.
  • then strain them with the help of fine strainer.
  • Pour into the glasses and garnish it with lemon slice..
  • serve chilled.
                                                                                                     -- Bartender PANDAT

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